Overcoming Limiting Beliefs: How to Make $1K a Month

The idea of making $100,000 or more a year—or even monthly—online can seem like a fantasy, especially if you’re just starting out. It’s easy to be skeptical when the numbers sound too good to be true. But the truth is, many people are doing exactly that, and the only thing standing between you and that kind of success might be the limiting beliefs you hold.

This post is for those who are new to the world of online business and are skeptical about their potential to earn a significant income. We’ll dive into the most common limiting beliefs, how they hold you back, and what you can do to overcome them. Plus, we’ll look at a real-life case study that demonstrates the reality of making big money online. By the end, you’ll have a better understanding of how to shift your mindset and start working towards that six-figure (or even seven-figure) goal.


The Myth of “I Don’t Have the Necessary Skills”

One of the most pervasive beliefs stopping people from making money online is the idea that they don’t have the right skills. Maybe you think you need to be a coding expert, a social media strategist, or have a background in digital marketing. This belief is completely understandable, especially when everyone around you seems to be a specialist.

But here’s the reality: the online world is incredibly diverse, and there are countless ways to make money that don’t require advanced technical skills. Whether you’re good at writing, teaching, organizing, or even just talking to people, there’s a niche out there that fits your strengths.

Take, for instance, Pat Flynn, the creator of Smart Passive Income. Pat started out as an architect but was laid off from his job in 2008. With no prior experience in online business, he began experimenting with blogging and online marketing. Over time, he developed his skills, and now he’s earning well over $100,000 a month through a combination of blogging, podcasting, affiliate marketing, and online courses. Pat’s success wasn’t about having the right skills from the start; it was about learning and growing as he went along.

The key takeaway here is that nobody starts as an expert. Everyone who’s successful online today began somewhere, often with little to no experience. The first step is to recognize that your current skills are enough to get started. As you gain experience, your skills will naturally grow. Remember, progress beats perfection every time.

Overcoming the “It’s Too Saturated” Mindset

Another belief that often holds people back is the idea that the online market is too saturated. It’s easy to look at a crowded market and think, “There’s no room for me.” But let’s flip that mindset: if a market is saturated, it means there’s demand. People are buying, which means there’s potential for you to succeed, too.


Consider the story of Michelle Schroeder-Gardner, the creator of the personal finance blog Making Sense of Cents. Michelle started her blog in 2011 as a side hustle while working full-time. At the time, personal finance blogs were already popular, and it seemed like there was no room for another voice in the market. But Michelle brought her unique perspective and experience, focusing on personal stories and practical advice. Over time, her blog grew in popularity, and today, Michelle earns over $100,000 a month through her blog, affiliate marketing, and online courses.

What’s Michelle’s secret? She didn’t see saturation as a barrier. Instead, she viewed it as a sign of opportunity and found her niche within the crowded market. Your unique voice, perspective, and approach are what set you apart. Even if others are offering similar products or services, they aren’t doing it the way you would. There’s always room for someone who is willing to put in the effort to make their mark.



Shifting from “I’m Not Good at Selling” to “I’m Helping People”

The thought of selling can be intimidating, especially if you’re new to promoting yourself or your work. You might worry that you’ll come across as pushy or that people won’t be interested in what you’re offering. This is a common fear, but it’s also one that can be overcome with a simple shift in mindset.

Instead of thinking about selling as pushing products or services onto people, try viewing it as helping others solve a problem. If you believe in what you’re offering and know that it can genuinely help someone, selling becomes a way of providing value, not just making money.

Let’s look at another case study: Melyssa Griffin, a former teacher who transitioned to online business. Melyssa started out by teaching online courses on topics like blogging and list-building. At first, she was nervous about selling her courses, worried that people wouldn’t be interested. But once she shifted her mindset to see her courses as a way to help others achieve their goals, her business took off. Today, Melyssa earns over $100,000 a month, helping entrepreneurs grow their businesses online.

The lesson here is that when you approach selling from a place of service, it becomes less about you and more about the people you’re serving. It’s not about convincing people to buy something; it’s about sharing something valuable with those who need it. This mindset shift can make a huge difference in how you feel about promoting yourself online.

Case Study: The Reality of Making $100,000+ Online

To further illustrate the potential of making six figures (or more) online, let’s take a closer look at the story of Graham Stephan. Graham is a real estate investor who started sharing his knowledge on YouTube. Initially, his channel was just a side project, but it quickly grew as he consistently shared valuable content on real estate, personal finance, and investing.

Graham’s transparency and genuine approach resonated with viewers, and his channel exploded in popularity. Today, he’s earning well over $100,000 a month—not just from YouTube ad revenue but also through sponsorships, affiliate marketing, and online courses. Graham’s success is a testament to what’s possible when you combine passion, consistency, and a willingness to learn.

What makes Graham’s story particularly inspiring is that he didn’t have any special advantages. He wasn’t a tech genius or a marketing expert when he started. He simply had a passion for real estate and a desire to share what he knew. His success didn’t happen overnight, but it did happen—and it’s a powerful example of what’s possible if you’re willing to put in the work and overcome your limiting beliefs.

If you’re ready to break free from your limiting beliefs and start making money online, there’s no better time than now. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to take your online business to the next level, my course… Ken’s Marketing Course is designed to help you get your business online and set you on the path to success. Don’t let your doubts hold you back—click here to learn more and take the first step toward achieving your financial goals!

Top YouTube Influencer Channels to Inspire Your Journey

If you’re looking for inspiration and practical advice on making money online, these YouTube channels are great places to start:

  1. Smart Passive Income by Pat Flynn: Pat shares tips and strategies for building passive income streams, including blogging, podcasting, and online courses.
  2. Making Sense of Cents by Michelle Schroeder-Gardner: Michelle offers advice on personal finance, blogging, and affiliate marketing, drawing from her own experience of growing a six-figure blog.
  3. Graham Stephan: Graham covers topics related to real estate, personal finance, and investing, with a focus on building wealth online.
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